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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How many calories need to lose weight? Amount of fat, protein, carbohydrates?loose wieght fast!

how to lose weight!

Number processing: should counting calories and macronutrients, how many calories I eat? How much protein, the amount of fat, how many carbs? How much gain muscle? Thus losing fat? These issues are incredibly common, but rarely can find a good answer to their.
And unfortunately, this is why so many of us stall in our progress.
Accidentally over-nutrition or malnutrition, is a popular food dilemma, and one that could easily be avoided with the right information.

Here, I will provide you with a user-friendly guide to calculating your nutritional needs, and designing your diet.
Before you begin, here is a glossary of terms you need to bring is: BMR (BMR) This is consume the amount of calories you need to maintain your body would if you were completely inactive (the.
comatose or bedridden).
Many dieters confuse their BMR with their TEE (which we'll get round too)- a misunderstanding that leads to eating far fewer calories than the body actually requires.
This is an all too common cause of diet failure, so you know that your nutritional jargon is very important! FOOD (exercise takes thermogenesis) of the calories needed by the EAT in (the assigned.
Your training program).
This is something that many people grossly overestimate.
If someone makes a monumental amount of exercise per day (and.
not endurance athletes), EAT will add a tremendous number of calories for your needs.

NEAT (Non-Exercise Associated Thermogenesis)

NEAT is the calorie requirements associated with incidental exercise (e.
housework, shopping, general moving around).
This tends to be the biggest variable of the daily requirement of calories for someone because of the nature of their work, their home life, social life, and other factors.
It is, however, something that can easily be increased, in order to burn more calories.
TEF (thermogenic effect of feeding) TEF is the cost associated with the consumption of calories.
It varies according to macronutrient and fibre content (and NOT according to meal frequency, as many would have us believe).
For an average, balanced diet is about 15% of TEF.
Protein is the most thermogenic macronutrient (with TEF up to 25%), carbs are variable (between 5-25%), and fats are the least thermogenic (usually less than 5%).
More protein more fiber than carbs + + = TEF.
More FAT = lower TEF.
But allow me, at home to print that this is NOT a diet low in fat is better! TEE (total energy expenditure) TEE is the total number of calories your body needs (so that the BMR + TEF + food + NEAT).
This is more commonly referred to as 'Maintenance Calories', i.
the number of calories required to maintain your body, based on your current lifestyle.
So, here all the factors and variables that determine your TEE are: age (metabolism generally decreases as we age), (mostly men, more calories than women) need sex total weight and lean body mass (more muscle mass, a higher TEE) with daily activities (highest activity TEE) exercise (more exercise, a higher TEE increased) diet (what made up), physiological (and.
Sick, pregnant, up) hormone levels (and.
Levels of thyroid hormones, levels of growth hormone) Estimated TEE unless you can be a TEE evaluation hooked on Calorimetry (a process, a calorimeter used to measure the chemical reactions in the body and the heat from these reactions), then ll have to go with the less precise, but the most convenient way of calculating TEE.

There are a number of ways in which estimate TEE- some better than others- all of which we will run through now.
The easiest (and often less accurate) method is the TEE with # 39 estimate; calories per unit weight a standard.
These standard figures are as follows:

For sedentary individuals partaking in little exercise: 25-30 calories/kg/day (11.
5 calories/lb)

For moderately active individuals partaking in light-moderate exercise: 30-35 calories/kg/day (13.
5-16 calories / lb) for highly active people participating in physical exercise: 35-40 calories / kg / day (16-18 calories / lb) There are also some more complex formulas that calculate the BMR of variables such as sex, size, weight, age and body mass.
This BMR is then multiplied by an 'activity factor' to give TEE.
These formulas are very different in terms of accuracy, because of the circumstances under which they were tested.
Here are two of the more accurate BMR calculations:

The Mifflin-St Jeor Formula

For Women: BMR = [9.
25 x height (cm)] - [4.
92 x age (years)] -161 for Men: BMR = [9.
99 x weight (kg)] + [6.
92 x age (years)] + 5

This is a reasonable formula for the average individual, as it was devised in a way that makes it realistic in today's environment.
It is not considered, the difference in metabolic rate as a result of the levels of% BF.
This means that it overestimates needs in highly obese individuals, and can underestimate requirements for very lean individuals.
So be warned! Katch-McArdle formula: Note: LBM stands for Lean Body Mass (i.
everything in your body, not fat, muscles, bones, water, etc.).

BMR = 370 + (21.
6 x LBM) Where LBM = [weight (kg) x (100 -% body fat)] / 100 This is the most accurate formula for the relatively lean individuals who have a good understanding of their body fat%.

Now, if you've used one of these two formulae, don't forget that all you have at the moment is your BMR! It's now necessary to multiply that number by an 'activity factor' to convert it to an estimation of your TEE.
The factors are the following activities: 1.
2 = Sedentary (little or no exercise and desk job) 1.
4 = Lightly Active (light exercise or sports 1-3 days a week) 1.
6 = Moderately Active (moderate exercise or sports 3-5 days a week) 1.
8 = Very Active (hard exercise or sports 6-7 days a week) 1.
0 = Extremely Active (hard daily exercise or sports and physical job)

Note: These activity factors already include a TEF of around 15% (an average mixed diet).
WARNING: Do not these calculations! These give a rough ball-park figure to use as a starting point, but they are rarely exactly.
Most people overestimate their activity factor, and underestimate their bodyfat, which means that they OVERESTIMATE their calorie requirements.
So with these numbers to Start, and then monitor your body measurements for 3-4 weeks (it is important to have sufficient time that clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat happens).
You can monitor your weight as well, but due the vast number of variables responsible for weight fluctuation, measurements are far more accurate gauge.
If your measurements are stable, then you probably have your calorie maintenance needs found (your TEE).
Otherwise, adjust your intake accordingly and repeat the process.
Sometimes it takes a little found at the right level of care, and keep in mind, your body changes TEE and levels of the activity.
However, it's essential to take the time you need to find the right number for you, because it's going to make setting up a diet for your ultimate body goal so much easier!

Once you've deduced your TEE, you will then need to increase or decrease intake, based on your goals of increasing lean mass or decreasing bodyfat.
The basis for such an increase or reduction of calories as a percentage of TEE, rather than a general number (excitation of + / - 500 calories is thrown around a lot).
There is no one-size-fits-all surplus or deficit, due to the huge variations in each individual's calorie requirements.
Some good guideline percentages are as follows: Weight gain: In 10-20% of calories to your maintenance requirements (TEE x 1.
2) In order to lose weight: 10-20% of calories from maintenance expenditure (TEE subtract x 0.
9) Then you can monitor your results and if needed.

For those looking to gain muscle, a 10-20% surplus will generally minimise fat gain, and for those looking to lose fat, a 10-20% deficit will generally minimise muscle loss and energy/performance issues.
This must of course be combined with a reasonable distribution of macro-nutrients and a good education.

Macronutrient Needs

Now we've got the calorie equations out of the way, it's time to look at how we should be making up those calories, i.
the minimum requirements for each macronutrient.
This should be based on lean body mass and body weight, not on a percentage of your calorie intake.
Despite what some may have you believe, there aren't any one-size-fits all, magic ratios.

When I talk about minimum protein requirements, I'm referring to the minimum that is optimal for muscle gain, or muscle preservation.
This applies to all with the goals of improving body composition, the training is with this objective eyes.
It is NOT the minimum in terms of essential requirements.
But if you have a medium body do not want an average diet.

I would recommend a minimum intake of 1-1.
5g/lb lean body mass.
If you don't know your lean mass, calculate a ballpark figure of 1-1.
5g/lb total body weight.
If you use the latter calculation, bear in mind that lean individuals need to aim closer to 1.
5g/lb, while those with a higher body fat% is not necessary to look 1g/lb.

Fat When it comes to fat intake, I refer to the total fat.
This should include essential fats (from poly- and monounsaturated fat sources), but is not limited to them.
For optimal health, hormonal function and the overall results, those who consume a moderate diet, at least between 0.
5g/lb lean body mass.
Again, if you're unsure of your lean mass, use your total bodyweight, with lean individuals using the higher number, and those with a higher bodyfat % working with the lower number.
In general, a higher intake of fat is needed at the low-carb diets, with a maximum of 1g/lb lean body mass along with the nature of the ketogenic diet.

Carbohydrates, there are specific requirements for carbohydrates.
If you're highly active, involved in endurance sports, or trying to gain mass, then a higher carb intake will be optimal, to fuel your workouts and your body.
They are the level of activity is lower, or if you are on a diet, carbs will be lower.
At this point, it's a case of finding the balance that works best for you, in terms of energy and satiety.
After you meet the minimum requirements protein and fat, you can simply fill in the rest of the calories with carbohydrates.
Alternatively, you may want to try a combination of carbs + more of the other macronutrients (in this instance, protein would usually stay the same, and fat would be increased).
Proteins included to find out how many grams of carbs is needed, you must make the following equation, both carbohydrates, 4 kcal / g fat and 9 kcal / g contains: Calories - ([grams protein u200b u200bx 4] + [g fat for x 9]) / 4 is likely to benefit 39 of #; use a website tracking calories, calories or tracking software.
This will save lots of time and confusion, especially in the initial stages of designing your diet.
Some websites I recommend in particular nutrition-free tracking data, Spark People, and daily burn Nutridiary.
Each provides a large database of both generic and brand name foods, with the additional option of creating your own custom foods and meals.
CalorieKing is another good place, not a free service for monitoring, but offers an incredibly large database of food.

Don't feel that you have to track every day- it simply needs to be often enough so as to have a good awareness of your dietary intake, and so as to familiarise yourself with nutritional content and serving sizes of various foods.
Of course, you may prefer to watch every day, and if this is the case, by all means, go for it! Again, it\#39;s all a case tailored to your needs.

So there you have it- all the information you require to get crunching those numbers and applying them to your diet! Once you've established the basis of your requirements, it's simply a case of tweaking the diet as necessary, to make it as effective for you as possible.
Good luck and happy eating! Do not forget to check out their cake and to eat it diet tips, recipes and articles!.

how to loose weight!

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